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Friday, January 25, 2013

Greys Anatomy S09e06

Cristina comes back to Seattle Grace; The crash victims meet with the legal team to decide their actions with moving forward with the lawsuit for the plane crash. Meredith and Alex argue about her selling him the house, with minor issues on the house; Jo works with a patient dubbed "Santa Claus" who constantly vomits over her. Derek and Callie begin to argue about his surgical career, and her operating to save his hand; while Dr. Bailey tries to bring Arizona back to the hosptial to work on a case for her. Jackson and April continue to have sex, after continualy getting compared to bad things, Jackson confesses that it's not just sex for him, and that he has feelings for her. When meeting the new head of cardio, Cristina finds that she is just there to make him look good, and decides to be the mean attending calling two interns, "dopey and mousey". Arizona comes back to the hospital to help Bailey; The victims of the plane crash find out that the legal team is actually going after the hospital and Owen for their settlement deal.